Education In Progress, Italy


Education In Progress, Italy is a non-profit organization that operates in the areas of social commitment, European project designing, training of staff of The Adult Schools and Adult Migrants’ centres in the South of Italy, providing innovative methods to include students in the society and Labour Market. Education In Progress members invest their intellectual and creative force in their own territory previously that comprehend mostly the Italian regions of the South Italy, from Campania and Puglia until Sicily, and at same time they connect throughout Europe. The main goal is to support Adults out of Labour Market or with migrant background by letting them make the first, most difficult step, toward self-improvement and upskilling paths.

University of Latvia


University of Latvia has been founded in 1919 and currently, with its more than 15 000 students, 822 academic staff (631 with PhD) 13 faculties and over 20 research institutes and independent study centres, is one of the largest comprehensive and leading research universities in the Baltics. The University offers more than 130 state accredited academic and professional study programmes.

University of Latvia devotes great attention to development of international collaboration to promote its identity internationally and to strengthen the reputation of the University worldwide. To date, the University of Latvia has signed 140 bilateral agreements worldwide and more than 700 agreements with 368 institutions in 32 European countries within the ERASMUS+ programme.

Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art is the largest faculty with more than 3000 students and 200 staff. The main focus of the Faculty is teacher pre-service and in-service education, curriculum development, research in education sciences and education management, psychology. The faculty is deeply involved in teacher and adult education to prepare its graduates to be ready to work with diversity in schools and in the community. The faculty prepares also teachers to work in preschools. It participates in research and practical activities of inclusive education.

Eurospeak, Ireland


Eurospeak, Ireland is an educational technology company dedicated to delivering educational products and training. We deliver online English language classes tailored to the needs of individuals and groups as well as design and develop innovative educational tools such as e-courses, online assessments, and more. The English courses we provide include Business English, IELTS test preparation, and ‘bootcamps’ for groups with a specific purpose.

Additionally, Eurospeak has a special focus on helping disadvantaged groups, whom we aim to support through our participation in Erasmus+ projects. Eurospeak promotes actions that take an innovative and creative approach to the inclusion of marginalised groups such as migrants, refugees, the unemployed, LGBT+, and older people. Eurospeak also offers services related to EU funding such as proposal writing and project evaluation.

Eurospeak Ireland’s mission is the promotion of innovation in education, inclusive and integrated education and training. We have significant expertise in developing and conducting training programmes, both in the corporate sector and for different disadvantaged groups. We begin with a needs analysis while paying special attention to the individual learning context, ensuring that the content and the language used are at an appropriate level for each particular group.

European Knowledge Spot, Greece


European Knowledge Spot, Greece is a research based Civil Society Organization committed in making information and knowledge accessible to all and creating positive impact on education, social inclusion and environmental protection to build an era of peace and sustainable development for the young generations. The organization gives emphasis both in supporting the formal and non-formal education system and contributing to its equal access to all and also to designing and delivering customized lifelong learning, education and capacity building opportunities.

Asociacia Dyslexia, Bulgaria


Asociacia Dyslexia, Bulgaria is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation. The main objectives are: to spread information about dyslexia and other learning difficulties; to provide trainings to teachers, parents and specialists for improving their knowledge and practical skills for more effective support of dyslexic individuals; to provide remediation to children, young people and adults with difficulties from dyslexia spectrum and support them for overcoming the difficulties. The Association works towards forming a dyslexia friendly society that will enable all dyslexic people to reach their potential.

Since its formation in 2005, DABG has taken part in many projects related to dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties, early identification and early intervention; supporting students to develop good study skills, using assistive technologies in education, bilingualism, foreign language learning/teaching, etc.

Specialists in the Association provide trainings, seminars, workshops, presentations for teachers, specialists and parents; assessment and individual consultations for children, young people, and adults from all over the country.

Danmar Computers LLC, Poland


Danmar Computers LLC, Poland is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has extensive experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes. Danmar also has long-term experience of carrying out European projects within which the company’s R&D staff conducts research and prepares training tailored to the needs of various learners. During 22 years, Danmar has successfully implemented over 100 projects within Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Progress and Erasmus+. In many of these projects, Danmar was responsible for designing and coordinating dissemination strategies.

Danmar Computers is the developer and provider of AdminProject, the online system for the management of European projects. All activities of the company are based on wide and well-established cooperation network, both on national and international levels. The national networks include training and counselling institutions, universities, schools, non-governmental organizations as well as private sector companies. International networks include partners of various profiles coming from every European Union’s country. Danmar Computer’s mission is the promotion of life-long education and assurance of equal access to education for everyone with the use of modern technology.